Public Restroom Rescue Mini Antimicrobial Spray

March 04, 2020

Public Restroom Rescue Mini Antimicrobial Spray

It's tense times in the US. The Covid19 Virus, a novel Corona Virus has found its way to our country and we're on edge. Most of us are paying astute attention to where we are, where we're going and what we touch with good cause. 

Today I had an epiphany in a public restroom. As I gazed down at a public toilet seat. A public toilet seat with no available paper toilet seat cover that is, I summoned a solution that I could sit with...

A mini antimicrobial spray to take with me anywhere. 

Do you have a collection of empty 10 ml roller bottles? Put them to work as a new favorite - mini spray bottles! Our color spray caps fit 10ml roller bottles for essential oils! It's a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle all those empty roller bottle vials. 
The How To:

12 drops Antimicrobial All Purpose Healing Blend w/ FREE 10ml Roller Bottle

Witch Hazel

1 - 10ml Roller Bottle Vial

1 - Mini Spray Cap

Add 12 drops Antimicrobial All Purpose Healing Blend to 10ml roller bottle vial, top off with *Witch Hazel or, organic fractionated coconut oil, add mini spray cap.

*Shake before use if using Witch Hazel!

Where else can you use Restroom Rescue Antimicrobial Spray?

  • steering wheel
  • door knobs
  • restaurant tables
  • your hands
  • airplane seats and tray
  • grocery cart handles
  • yoga class
  • daycare
  • etc etc etc

Looking for a fun way to label your EO bottles like I did? Check this out!

How to Label Roller Bottles with Flair