5 Reasons to Start Using Essential Oils

September 13, 2017

5 Reasons to Start Using Essential Oils

Wondering how to get started? No worries, essential oils can seem daunting but they're worth your time and curiosity because they can improve just about every aspect of your life.
My 5 reasons are actually 5 essential oils with sweeping versatility that can heal, calm, disinfect and provide relief. These essential oils will support your family during illness and wellness - they're 5 great reasons to start using essential oils!


  • Lavender is one of the most versatile and loved essential oils out there.
  • Use Lavender for restful sleep - 2 drops of lavender on the bottom each foot and maybe a drop on my pillow. Hello sleep!  
  • Soothes insect bites, burns and rashes
  • Stop itching, watery eyes - blend 1 drop Lavender with Camp Wander Naked Salve dab sparingly around the eye as needed during seasonal allergy bouts.  
  • When in doubt, use Lavender
Analgesic, anticoagulant, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, antifungal, antihistamine, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antiseptic, antispasmotic, antitoxic, antitumor, regenerative and sedative.


  • Soothe sore throat with 1 drop of Lemon and 1 teaspoon honey
  • Add 10 drops to household DIY cleaners for antimicrobial activity
  • Runny nose? Swipe a small amount of Lemon on each side of nose to stop the drip  
  • Make yourself a citrusy body scrub with coconut oil, sugar and a few drops of lemon
  • Stop a cold sore in its tracks with a dab of lemon 
  • Lemon can cause photosensitivity - stay out of the sun for eight hours after applying
 Antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, refreshing and tonic. 


  • Peppermint can be helpful when someone is running a fever - try a drop or two on the bottom of each foot
  • Very soothing for stomach upsets as well.  
  • Works wonders on headaches, just swipe a tiny bit at the temples.  
  • Great as a breath freshener, a drop on your toothpaste is awesome!
Analgesic, antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral and invigorating.


Melaleuca is unparalleled as an anti-viral or anti-fungal.  

  • On a personal note (ewww factor), I got rid of a toenail fungus by putting a drop of melaleuca oil on infected toenail after showering.  
  • I've treated this toenail with various remedies for almost 3 yrs without success.  Melaleuca did the trick and now I can get pedicures again!  
  • My husband suffered from a canker sore invasion in his mouth, a few swishes of Melaleuca oil and water quickly healed his mouth.

Analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, strong antiseptic, anti-viral, digestive, expectorant, immune stimulant, insecticidal, neurotonic, stimulant and tissue regenerative.


  • The camphor content in Lavender Spike (not to be confused with Lavender) makes this oil very effective for soothing headaches, arthritis flare ups and other aches and pains.
  • Due to its stronger camphor content, spike lavender oil is said to provide more potent analgesic and expectorant properties, which makes it an excellent choice for headache relief when used in a diffuser.
  • Diffuse 8 drops Lavender Spike for it's energizing effect, promoting concentration and focus, smells wonderfully clean!
  • 2 drops Lavender Spike blended with Camp Wander Naked Salve creates the perfect massage blend for tight shoulders, post knee surgery soreness, swelling, bruising and soreness after a fall, leg aches, pulled or strained muscles.  
Every oil has multiple uses, only a small amount is necessary for BIG results. The shelf life for essential oils is lengthy (years, with the exception of citrus) if kept out of sunlight and airspace kept to a minimum. High quality, pure & fresh essential oils aren't cheap but take into consideration all of the OTC products you buy for ONE ailment. Essential oils save you money in the long run with their multiple benefits including the ability to adapt to the body's needs, they don't MASK the problem, they heal the problem.

Camp Wander  Essential Oils  Salves  Serums  Tools

carrier oils face and body